拼音:mò shǒu chéng guī英文解釋:
routinism; scholasticism; stick to convention【醫】 routinism
比喻拘泥於成見而不善於機變 >>查看“墨守成規”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.conventionalism 2.formularism 3.immobilism 4.moveinagroove 5.runinagroove 6.standpattism 7.inarut相關對話:
- 一個人如果墨守成規便無法體驗廣泛的人生。A man cannot live a broad life if he runs only in one groove.
- 年輕人,你不可以因循守舊,墨守成規。Don't let yourself get into a groove, young man.
- 他是個墨守成規的人。He is a creature of habit.
- 一個人如果墨守成規便無法體驗廣泛的人生。A man cannot live a broad life if he runs only in one groove
- 她墨守成規。She sticks to the old ways.
- 墨守成規的觀點只能導致落後,甚至失敗。Sticking to conventions can only lead to backwardness or even failure.
- 他是個墨守成規的人。He is a creature of habit
- 形式主義的,墨守成規的Formalistic or conventional.