拼音:mó fǎ英文翻譯
blackart; enchantment; glamor; glamour; magic; witchcraft【法】 conjuration; witch craft
1.blackart 2.magic 3.gramarye 4.sorcery 5.witchcraft 6.witchcrast 7.witchcraft 8.diabolism 9.conjury 10.conjuration 11.glamor 12.gramarie 13.deviltry 14.glamour 15.necromancy 16.gramary例句:
- 女巫對王子施了魔法。The witch charmed the prince.
- 他們相信那都是魔法造成的。They believe that it was all done by magic.
- 這座房子被魔法變沒了。The house was disappeared by sorcery.
- 魔法師非常神秘。The enchanter is very mysterious.