拼音:mó guǐ英文解釋:
devil; demon; Belial; lucifer【醫】 demono-
(1) ∶宗教中指引誘人犯罪的惡鬼;神話傳說中指迷惑人、害人的鬼怪為魔鬼所纏(2... >>查看“魔鬼”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.lucifer 2.OldScratch 3.princeoftheworld 4.oldtoast 5.OldHarry 6.satan 7.orca 8.dickens 9.demon 10.fiend 11.theprinceofdarkness 12.theoldDragon 13.thegreatfisherofsouls 14.oldgooseberry 15.ourfoe 16.Belial中英例句:
- 他相信魔鬼、巫婆這類事。He believes in devils and witches.
- 那些警衛都是殘暴的野獸,他們的首領是個魔鬼的化身。The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate.
- 魔鬼誘惑了亞當和夏娃。The Devil tempted Adam and Eve.
- 【諺】魔鬼專坑懶鬼。Satan always finds work for idle hands.