拼音:mín shēng 英文解釋:
the people's livelihood
民眾的生計國計民生 >>
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people'slivelihood 例句:
- 在資本主義國家裡,勞動人民生活於社會的底層。
In the capitalist countries the laboring people live at the foot of the social ladder.
- 資本主義制度下的被壓迫人民生活在一個與我們截然不同的世界裡。
The Oppressed people under capitalism live in a world far other
- 去年的國民生產總值提高了百分之五。
The gross national product had increased 5 percent last year.
- 這個國家的國債相當於國民生產總值的80%。
The country has a national debt of 80% of GNP.
- 居民生活質量明顯提高。
The quality of life of local residents has been noticeably improved.
- 國民生產總值稅收率
ratio of tax to the gross national product
- 那位副總理辭職後在故鄉過著平民生活。
The vice premier lead a vulgar life in his hometown after he resigned
- 墨西哥城的居民生活在嚴重污染的環境裡。
The citizens of Mexico City live with a serious pollution problem