拼音:mín zú zhǔ yì英文解釋:
nationalism【法】 ethnic national sovereignty; nationhood
(1).資產階級對於民族的看法及其處理民族問題的原則。在資本主義上升時期的民族運... >>查看“民族主義”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 極端民族主義,尤其是反對國際間合作時候Extreme nationalism, especially when opposed to international cooperation.
- 民族主義,是在自己的小天地里自鳴得意的笨雄雞。Nationalism is a silly cock crowing on its own dunghill.
- 戈巴契夫和他克里姆林宮改革派盟友們,準備容忍,甚至鼓勵溫和的民族主義分子向中央控制挑戰並要求獨立。可是莫斯科自有理由覺得:在一個操多種語言,由102個民族組成的國家裡,族裔之間的暴力則屬過分。Mr.Gorbachev and his reformist Kremlin allies are prepared to tolerate, even encourage, moderate nationalists who challenge central control and demand autonomy. But Moscow rightly feels that, in a polyglot country with102 different nationalities, ethnic violence is beyond the pale.
- 20世紀的巴爾幹民族主義問題The Issue of Nationalism in the Balkan Peninsula in the 20th Century
- 他們不喜歡這些人狹隘的民族主義觀。They hated the narrow nationalism of these people.
- 中美貿易摩擦中的經濟民族主義分析Analysis of the American Economic Nationalism in Sino-US Trade Conflicts
- 他們在情緒浮動的民眾中,激起民族主義的衝動。They were whipping up nationalist frenzy among the excitable crowds.
- 阿拉伯民族主義思潮的發展軌跡The Historic Track of Arab Nationalism