拼音:míng xiǎn 英文解釋:
distinctness; in evidence; nakedness; patency
(1) ∶分明;清楚明白明顯的優勢(2) ∶能夠很容易被覺察到;感官立即可覺察;... >>
查看“明顯”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
distinctness 2.
nakedness 3.
inevidence 4.
patency 5.
evidence 6.
salience(-cy) 例句:
- 推斷出的明顯結論是她有罪。
It's an obvious deduction that she is guilty.
- 該計畫的可取之處是相當明顯的。
The merits of the scheme are quite obvious.
- 她花起錢來大手大腳了,事情很明顯,錢是偷來的。
She'd begun spending a lot of money, and the obvious inference was that she'd stolen it.
- 很明顯,她挺聰明。
It is obvious that she is very clever.
- 對銷售額的仔細分析顯示出明顯的地區差別。
Close analysis of sales figures shows clear regional variations.
- 這項計畫的缺陷是很明顯的,它不可能成功。
The deficiency of this plan is very clear and it can't possibly succeed.
- 大使館是恐怖分子攻擊的明顯目標。
The embassy is an obvious target for terrorist attacks.
- 對罪犯的改造有了明顯的效果。
The reformation of criminals has produced an obvious result.