拼音:màn wú biān jì 英文解釋:
boundless; far from the subject; rambling中文解釋:
(1) ∶水勢寬廣,一望無邊(2) ∶比喻言語、文字不切題,相去甚遠這些早期的新... >>
查看“漫無邊際”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 姑娘們漫無邊際地談論著自己的衣著。
The girls prattled about their clothes.
- 這份遺產超出了我最漫無邊際的夢想
The inheritance passed my wildest dreams.
- 討論會漫無邊際地進行了幾小時.
The discussion meandered (on) for hours.
- 他突然開始和我漫無邊際地談起他的生意來了。
He broke into a desultory chat with me over his business affairs
- 老人漫無邊際地閒談他的青年時代。
The old man rambled on about his youth.
- 他的談話漫無邊際, 我抓不住他的要點。
His talk was so diffuse that I missed his point.