拼音:biān jì 英文解釋:
bound; boundary; limit
(1) ∶邊緣;邊界水國無邊際不著邊際(2) ∶邊上 >>
查看“邊際”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
margins 2.
margin 3.
verge 漢語造句:
- 代表邊際席位的下院議員對政府在民意測驗中的壞的表現表示憂慮。
Mps representing marginal seat are worried about the government's poor show in the opinion poll.
- 計算得到一定肥料用量水平的邊際產量。
The MPP is calculated for a given level of fertilizer use.
- 這份遺產超出了我最漫無邊際的夢想
The inheritance passed my wildest dreams.
- 別對我講那些不著邊際的話,把真實情況告訴我。
Do not give me any pie in the sky, just tell me the truth.
- 老人漫無邊際地閒談他的青年時代。
The old man rambled on about his youth.
- 你不能只是那樣不著邊際地指責!
You can’t just throw accusations around like that!