拼音:màn tiān 英文解釋:
all over the sky; boundless; limitless中文解釋:
(1) ∶遍布天空;滿天漫天大雪(2) ∶形容不著邊際漫天胡侃漫天要價 >>
查看“漫天”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 這商人向邁克漫天要價也太沒個譜了。
The businessman had gone too far in raising the market upon Mike.
- 他們為該作品漫天要價。
They are asking a preposterous price for the work.
- 下雪時,漫天飛揚的雪像一個美麗的少女翩翩起舞,紛紛揚揚落下來。
When it snowed, it looked like a pretty girl who was dancing.
- 漫天抬價以獲取巨額利潤
Bid prices up sky- high to reap fabulous profits
- 漫天大霧
a dense fog obscuring the sky
- 萬物在漫天風雪中欣然等待。
All things on earth are waiting in the wind and snow joyfully.
- 我的報價以合理利潤為依據,不是漫天要價。
My offer wa ased o reasonable rofit, ot o wild eculatio .