拼音:màn huà英文解釋:
caricature; cartoon; travesty中文解釋:
用簡單而誇張的手法所作的諷刺畫 >>查看“漫畫”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.travesty 2.animation 3.comicstrip中英例句:
- 孩子們喜歡看連環漫畫。Children like to read comics.
- 你有沒有領會報紙上的漫畫:布希把自己漆到一個角落裡?比喻實在恰當。Did you catch the newspaper cartoon showing Bush in a corner into which he has painted himself? Its point was perfect.
- 他的諷刺漫畫無情地挖苦了當今的政界要人。His cartoons mercilessly lampooned the leading politicians of the day.
- 男孩子們以畫老師的漫畫取樂。The boys amuse themselves by drawing caricatures of their teacher.