拼音:má bù英文解釋:
flax; hessian; linen【醫】 byssus
用麻的纖維織成的布 >>查看“麻布”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.batiste 2.gunny 3.lint 4.duck 5.hessianlinen 6.sackcloth 7.burlap 8.gunnycloth 9.hempenfabrics 10.linen中英例句:
- 菱形花紋的織物一種圖案為小菱形疊復花型裝飾的白棉布或亞麻布A white cotton or linen fabric patterned with small, duplicative diamond-shaped figures.
- 他習慣於在家裡一餐吃7道菜和睡優質亞麻布床單的人來說。He accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home.
- 亞麻布是以亞麻纖維為原料製造的。Linen is produced from flax.
- 亞麻用來織亞麻布。Flax is used to make linen.