a storied building; floor中文解釋:
樓 (樓) lóu 兩層和兩層以上的房屋;亦指建築物的上層部分或有上層結構的,...>>查看“樓”在國語字典中的解釋
1.story 2.storey 3.tierbuilding相關對話:
- 從三樓掉下而沒有受傷,這怎么可能呢?How was it possible to fall down from the third floor without being hurt?
- 那是一棟六層樓的房子。That is a house of six stories.
- 電話在底樓的小書房裡。The telephone was in the little study on the ground floor.
- 我們的辦公室在一樓。Our office is on the first floor.
- 我的新房子在六樓。My new house is on the sixth floor.
- 那嬰兒從五樓摔下來竟沒受傷真是一個奇蹟。It was a real marvel that the baby was unhurt when he fell from the fifth floor.
- 一樓的平面圖是完全對稱的。The plan of the ground floor is completely symmetrical.