拼音:liú yán fēi yǔ 英文解釋:
原指沒有根據的話,現在多指在別人背後散布的誣衊、中傷的說法村里傳開了流言蜚語,說... >>
查看“流言蜚語”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 當然這只是關於斯萊德少校及其行為的流言蜚語。
Of course it's only gossip about major slade and his going on.
- 各種醜聞和流言蜚語是他最感興趣的事。
Scandal and gossip are meat and drink to him.
- 她失蹤一事引起了各種流言蜚語。
Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.
- 喜歡散布流言蜚語者——一班卑鄙而又微不足道的社會學家。
Gossip:sociologist on a mean and petty scale.
- 以前有關他的那些流言蜚語和小報上刊登的聳人聽聞的訊息,現在在他眼裡幾乎成了笑話。”
" The gossip items and tabloid nostalgia trips are almost a joke to him now
- 為了誹謗我們,他一直在到處散布流言蜚語。
He has been spreading false stories in an attempt to smear us .
- 流言蜚語者惡毒的舌頭。
the malignant tongues of gossipers.
- 傳播或散布流言蜚語
To engage in or spread gossip.