拼音:liú xiàn xíng英文解釋:
streamline【化】 stream line form; streamline
前圓後尖,像開始滴落的水那樣的形狀。具有這種形狀的物體,在流體中運動時所受阻力最... >>查看“流線型”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.streamlined 2.stream-line 3.streamlineshape 4.streamlineform(shape) 5.inswept 6.fusiform 7.well-rounded 8.hydraulicform 9.fairshaped例句:
- 這種汽車的值得稱道的優點之一是它那流線型的外形。The streamlined shape of the car was one of its talking points.
- 氣流分離移動的流線型的軀體上流體邊界層上的分隔物,如飛機的機翼,在平滑的流體流動中會引起故障和湍流A separation in the boundary layer of fluid about a moving streamlined body, such as the wing of an airplane, causing a breakdown in the smooth flow of fluid and resulting in turbulence.
- 我見過有些女人的照片。她們使自己的身體呈流線型,看上去如此迷人,明擺著是唬人的。這層魔障一旦被打破,她們一走起來,就能看出她們也不過是些尋常女子。I had seen photographs of women that streamlined their shapes and made them look so alluring that you knew it was all a trick, that once the spell was broken, and they moved, you would see that they were just ordinary women.
- 飛機設計成流線型以減少風的阻力。The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance.