拼音:lì qì 英文解釋:
edge tool中文解釋:
(1) ∶鋒利的兵器鐵須礪以成利器。——《書&middo... >>
查看“利器”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 減少DHCP威脅的利器——DHCP訊息認證機制
Edge tool to reduce DHCP threats——Mechanism of DHCP message authentication
- 第五條之三 〔專利: 構成船舶、飛機或陸上車輛—部分的專利器件〕
Article 5ter
- 拙匠無利器。
A bad shearer never had a good sickle
- RFID技術:產品防偽標識新利器
RFID Techniques: New Weapon Of Anti-counterfeiting Mark
- 我國服裝企業發展的利器—CRM
CRM-the Useful Weapon of the Development for Chinese Apparel Enterprises
- 尾翼穩定脫殼穿甲彈(APFSDS)是殺傷地面裝甲目標的利器.
APFSDS is the main weapon that can kill the armor target on the ground.
- 刺用或似用利器刺或戳
To pierce or stab with or as if with a pointed weapon
- 有裝在手柄上的重刃頭的利器。
an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle