benefit; favourable; profit; sharp中文解釋:
利 lì 好處,與“害”“弊”相對:利弊。利害。利益。利令智昏。興利除弊。 使...>>查看“利”在國語字典中的解釋
- 就像你們習慣了加利福尼亞地震一樣,我們對颱風已習以為常。We are used to typhoon just as you get used to earthquakes in california.
- 勝利不在當時消滅多少敵人。Not that we had wiped out a certain number of enemy troops
- 只有爭取到和平的環境,才能比較順利地發展。Only in a peaceful environment can we develop smoothly.
- 這座設施豪華的體育館沒有被充分地利用起來。Proper advantage is not being taken of this splendidly equipped sports hall
- (五)接受聘請,指派專利代理人擔任專利顧問;(5) appointing patent agents to serve as patent advisors upon invitation;
- 這一條山脈從智利一直延伸到加拿大。This line of mountains stretches all the way from Chite to Canada.
- 研究你的錯誤會給你帶來利潤。It is profitable to study your mistakes.
- 這是一種很利害的手段。This is a formidable move