arrive; be about to; copy; face; just before【經】 before
臨 (臨) lín 從上向下看,在高處朝向低處:照臨。臨淵羨魚(看著深潭裡的魚...>>查看“臨”在國語字典中的解釋
- 不過是臨時應付一下而已。Just try to wing it.
- 我今天要講的是我們社會面臨的一大危害,就是愛滋病。I want to talk today about a major threat facing our society, namely AIDS.
- 恭候光臨。We request the pleasure of your company.
- 在臨時湊和的床鋪上睡覺。sleep in a convenient place
- 我們的建房工程有足夠的臨時工可以招聘嗎?Is there a good supply of day labors for our building project?
- 創傷後腦內血腫、局部水腫的CT和臨床表現的動態研究(英文)Dynamic changes of CT appearance and clinical signs in focal brian trauma
- 中醫藥治療肝癌臨床研究現狀Clinical Study on Liver Cancer Treated by Chinese Medicine
- 前交叉韌帶損傷的MRI診斷與臨床診斷比較研究Comparison of Diagnoses of ACL Tear by MRI and Clinical Examination