拼音:liè kāi英文解釋:
rift; split; dehisce; fission; gape; rend; rupture; sever【化】 cracking; decohesion; splitting up
【醫】 dehiscence; effracture; fissuration
因或似因撕裂、分裂或破裂而分開袋子裂開了,白糖漏了出來 >>查看“裂開”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.springoff 2.splitopen 3.tearing 4.splinter 5.spring 6.splittingup 7.crazing 8.rifting 9.effracture 10.fissuration 11.yawn 12.open(circuit) 13.rive 14.comeapart 15.rip 16.seam漢語造句:
- 茶壺就在我手中裂開了。The teapot just came apart in my hands.
- 手提箱裂開了,裡面的東西紛紛落在地板上。The suitcase burst open and its contents rained on the floor.
- 我的頭疼得仿佛要裂開似的。My head feels as though it will split.
- 她的裙子的接縫裂開了。The seam of her skirt ripped.
- 口袋裂開了,大米撒出來了。The sack split and the rice poured out.
- 我頭疼得要裂開似的。I've got a splitting headache.