crack; rend; split【醫】 cleavage; cleft; crena; crenae; diastem; diastema; fissura; fissure
gap; rictus; rima; rimae; schistasis; schisto-; schizo-
裂 liè 破開,開了縫(f坣g ):裂開。裂紋。裂縫。裂痕。裂變(原子核分裂...>>查看“裂”在國語字典中的解釋
1.sulcus 2.ssura(fissurae) 3.gap 4.schistasis 5.rhagades 6.rima 7.fissure 8.chapp中英例句:
- 我頭疼得要裂開似的。I've got a splitting headache.
- 牆上有條裂縫。There is a fissure on the wall.
- 雪從屋頂上的裂縫飄進屋裡。Snow sifted through the crack in the roof into the room.
- 這扇窗戶上有個裂紋。There is a crack in this window.
- 他們好不容易才從牆上的裂縫處爬了出來。They wormed their way out through the crack in the wall.
- 有關政策的爭論導致了黨內的分裂。Argument over policy led to a split in the party.
- 該黨分裂成若干小派系。The party split into petty factions.