拼音:liàn liàn bù shě 英文解釋:
be reluctant to part from中文解釋:
戀戀:愛慕;留戀。舍:捨棄,放下。形容非常留戀,捨不得離開。也指極其愛慕,捨不得... >>
查看“戀戀不捨”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 而此時此刻仍然縈繞於我們的耳際的是旅行社經營者雇用的那位俄羅斯姑娘的那番戀戀不捨的告別話,她再三叮囑我們要再來。
And still ringing in our ears is the fond farewell of the Russian girl employed by the tour operator, who urges us to come again.
- 直到他離開那個叫卡麗的女孩才對你戀戀不捨。-----《那一年我們有約》 ------引自《電影字幕學英文》
until he left that girl Carrie and got engaged to you?
- 而此時此刻仍然縈繞於我們的耳際的是旅行社經營者雇用的那位俄羅斯姑娘的那番戀戀不捨的告別話,她再三叮囑我們要再來。
operator, who urges us to come again
- 幾年前當我離開父母時,我沒有戀戀不捨,巴不得快快離開。
When I left my parents several years ago, I was anxious to leave.
- 我和新朋友們分別時, 覺得戀戀不捨。
I found it hard to tear myself away from my new friends.
- 湯姆對他的家戀戀不捨.
Tom was reluctant to part with his family.