拼音:liǎng kě英文解釋:
both will do【化】 ambident
兩種可能都行我去不去兩可 >>查看“兩可”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 狡猾、兩可的意思;語帶雙關。a sly double meaning; spoke with forked tongue
- 一首充滿模稜兩可詞句的詩A poem full of ambiguities.
- 這一事實似乎能作兩可的解釋。It seems to be a fact that bears two constructions
- 實際上,你說的那些模稜兩可的話等於是拒絕。In fact, your ambiguous words amount to a refusal
- 曖昧的回答,故意的不信任故意說得模稜兩可的話,不明確的話An intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement
- 我請他投我一票,可是他仍模?兩可的。I asked him to vote for me but he was noncommittal.
- 我們進入一個道德上模?兩可的領域。We enter a region of moral ambiguity.
- 故意使用模稜兩可的語言to use equivocal language intentionally