face; countenance; visage
1.mug(unitofmeasure) 2.
map 3.
phiz 4.
physiognomy 5.
snoot 6.
visage 7.shiftingsand 8.runningsand 9.driftsand 10.
quicksand 11.
puss 例句:
- 她用一張面巾紙擦掉臉上的汗水。
She wiped off the sweat from her face with a piece of facial tissue.
- 太陽光直射在我們臉上。
The sun was shining in our faces.
- 你只要一看見她的臉就會明白,她是無辜的。
A glimpse of her face will tell you that she is innocent.
- 小貓喝了牛奶,又洗了臉。
The little cat drank its milk and washed its face.
- "Topullaface" "愁眉苦臉" 是一個習慣表達法。
"To pull a face" is an idiomatic expression.
- 他的臉疼得直抽搐。
His face twitched with pain.
- 從她的笑臉上我看到歡欣。
I saw the joy in her smiling face.
臉的意思 臉 (臉) ǎ 面孔,頭的前部從額到下巴:臉頰。臉孔。臉形(亦作“臉型”)。臉色。臉譜。 物體的前部:鞋臉兒。門臉兒。
體面,面子,顏面:臉面。臉皮。臉軟。丟臉。賞臉。 筆畫數:;
部首:月; 筆順