severe; strict中文解釋:
厲 (厲) lì 嚴格:厲禁(a.列隊警戒;b.嚴厲的禁令)。厲行(x妌g )...>>查看“厲”在國語字典中的解釋
- 嚴厲的懲罰是犯罪強力的遏阻方法。Severe punishment is a strong deterrent to crime
- 它縮水縮得太厲害了,小得都沒法穿了。It shrank too much.Now its too small to wear.
- 是的!我就是厲害!B: Yep I just kick ass
- 她有些牙齒爛得很厲害。Some of her teeth were very badly decayed.
- 對這些孩子的處罰過於嚴厲.The punishments inflicted on the children were too severe.
- 羅斯怎么啦?她最近憔悴得厲害。What’s the matter with Rose? She has fallen off so rapidly of late.
- 他們在這兒吵得那么厲害,實在令人厭惡。They made such a noise here it could turn your stomach
- 門彎曲的太厲害而鎖不上A door too warped to latch