grain; granule【醫】 grain; granula; granulatio; granulation; granulationes; granule; granum
1.kernel 2.nap 3.smallgrain 4.grain 5.pellet 6.granule 7.shot 8.granula例句:
- 當一束光線穿進暗淡的房間時,我們可以看到空氣中有許多小顆粒在飛舞。We can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room.
- 將地上的谷粒撿起來。Pick up the grains on the ground.
- 谷粒禾穀類作物的一個顆粒A single grain of a cereal plant.
- 在風天,我們能看到無數沙粒。We can see numberless grains of sand in a windy day.
- 他們正在用打穀機給小麥脫粒。They are separating the grains from wheat with a threshing machine.