拼音:lüè tú英文解釋:
delineation; sketch【計】 outline map; sketchpad
【經】 rough sketch
表現一個物體或景色的主要特點而且常常作為初步研究而畫的草圖;草稿 >>查看“略圖”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.scheme 2.schema 3.roughdrawing 4.outlinemap 5.outlinedrawing 6.sketch 7.sketchdrawing 8.abridgeddrawing 9.sketch-map 10.diagrammaticsketch 11.outlinechart 12.schematicdrawing 13.diagram 14.sketchpad漢語造句:
- 裝配圖,接續圖這樣一個系統或接構的計畫或略圖A plan or schematic drawing of such a system or such a configuration
- 他已為展覽會大廳畫出了一幅色彩設計略圖。He has blocked out a color scheme for the exhibition hall
- 略圖;簡略的速寫a thumbnail sketch
- 裝配圖,接續圖這樣一個系統或接構的計畫或略圖A plan or schematic drawing of such a system or such a configuration.
- 略圖的素描以此種方法畫成的速描圖A sketch done in this style
- 畫一幅北美的略圖。Outline a map of North America
- 畫一幅北美的略圖。Outline a map of North America.