拼音:làn ní英文解釋:
mud; slime; slush中文解釋:
稀爛的泥土 >>查看“爛泥”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.slush 2.slime中英例句:
- 穿過了那片田地,我的靴子粘滿了爛泥。After walking through the field, my boots were caked with mud.
- 你們是什麼東西,卑賤的、爛泥般的小蟲?我要你們把這場血戰給贏下來。What are you,larvaeWe got us a blood war to win
- 爛泥粘在他的鞋上。Mud caked on his shoes.
- 使濺滿污泥或爛泥To soil with mud or mire.
- 我正好跌在爛泥里。I fell smack in the mud.
- 穿過了那片田地,我的靴子粘滿了爛泥。After walking through the field, my boots were caked with mud.