拼音:làn diào 英文解釋:
hackneyed tune
不合實際使人厭煩的言論 好句用多了就會成濫調 >>
查看“濫調”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 他發表了一篇充滿陳詞濫調的文章。
He delivered a long prose full of platitudes.
- 有些作家喜歡用多年前就已經是陳詞濫調的詞語。
Some writers like to use the phrases that were worn out years ago.
- 關於此事的十足的陳詞濫調
a tired bromide about it
- 古老不總是會將一個陳詞濫調“開除”。
Being archaic does not always make a cliché redundant
- 但是,大多數陳腔濫調都堅持對之漠不關心。
But most clichés are stubbornly indifferent to such concerns.
- <華爾街日報>上的這篇文章使用了大量現代的陳詞濫調。
The article in the Wall Street Journal leans heavily on modern cliches