拼音:làn yú chōng shù英文解釋:
be there just to make up the number中文解釋:
不會吹竽的人,混在吹竽的樂隊里充數(故事見《韓非子·內儲說上》)。... >>查看“濫竽充數”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 必須把濫竽充數的科研人員調到其他工作崗位上去。The scientific research personnel who held the post without qualification must be transferred to another post.
- 他是一名濫竽充數的演員。He is a poor apology for an actor
- 她是個濫竽充數的演員。She is a sorry apology for an actor
- 我不會唱歌, 我在這兒只是濫竽充數。I am not good at singing. I'm here just to make up the number.