拼音:lái huí 英文解釋:
back and forth; come-and-go; make a round trip; to and fro
(1) ∶含有以相反方向交替出動的活動鐘錶擺動的一個來回(2) ∶往往在返回時走... >>
查看“來回”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 那女孩匆忙地問: “來回車票多少錢?”
"How much for a round-trip ticket " the girl asked quickly
- 如軟木塞在水中一樣毫無目的地來回動。
bob aimlessly, as of a cork in water.
- 請訂一張去華盛頓的兩星期回程的二等兒童來回票。
A two week return to Washington, second class, please
- 我們每次轉彎,汽車行李箱裡的工具就來回動。
The tools shift around in the car boot every time we turn a corner
- 請給我一張到邁阿密的兒童來回票。
A round trip for a child to Miami, please
- “把門朝後綁牢,它在風裡不停地來回砰砰作響。”
"Tie the door back-it keeps banging to and fro in the wind."
- 那些信號用非常快但幾乎不變的速度來回傳送。
The signals go to and fro at a very high but almost constant speed.
- 請給我一張周末的回程的二等來回票。
Give me a second - class weekend return, please.