拼音:kǔ nàn英文解釋:
affliction; distress; hardship; misery; suffering; tribulation【法】 hardship
痛苦和災難這場洪水使幾百無家可歸的人陷入苦難 >>查看“苦難”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.tribulation 2.affliction 3.hardship 4.privation例句:
- 她的臉上帶著受過苦難的深深的痕跡。Her face bore the deep imprint of suffering.
- 他們為早日結束苦難而祈禱。They prayed (to God) for an end to their sufferings/for their sufferings to end.
- 他的臉上有飽經苦難的烙印。His face bears the stamp of suffering.
- 這件事喚起了他對過去苦難經歷的回憶。The incident woke memories of his past sufferings.
- 那是一段充滿苦難的時期。It was a time of great tribulation.
- 他受盡苦難,卻志節彌高。His character has been ennobled by all his sufferings.
- 他為了自己的革命原則而蒙受苦難。He suffered for his revolutionary principles.