拼音:kuài mén英文解釋:
shutter【電】 shutter
照相機上的一種附屬檔案裝置,具有各種形式(如旋轉式的,可變光闌或焦面快門),通過開、... >>查看“快門”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.opticalshutter 2.dropshutter 3.diaphragm例句:
- 在照相前,他調整了快門。He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo.
- 按下向上向下按鈕使顯示出您選好的快門速度。Press the updown buttons to display the shutter speed you wish to set.
- (按快門了嗎?)Shall I press the shutter?
- 你介意替我按下快門嗎?Would you mind pressing the shutter for me?
- 這架相機裝有快門自動定時裝置嗎?Is this camera equipped with a self-timer
- 你介意替我按這快門嗎?Would you mind pressing this shutter for me?