拼音:kè shāng英文解釋:
travelling merchant【法】 investor
在各地販運貨物的商人 >>查看“客商”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.investor 2.vellingtrader例句:
- 面對這個客商,他感到好像是在對牛彈琴。With this customer, he felt himself, as it were, casting pearls before swine.
- 海外客商主動慕名而來,絡繹不絕的洽談訂貨。Overseas merchants come to us for orders constantly.
- 客商可來電洽談,或預約上門洽商。The traveling merchant can call at or call on to talk business.
- 熱忱歡迎各客商惠顧和指導。Welcome the patronage and instruction of each client with our zeal.
- 到達最小限度於至少500位客商在您的海島。Reach a minimum of at least 500 merchants on your island.
- 到達最小限度於至少500位客商在您的海島。Reach a minimum of at least 500 merchants on your island