拼音:kè mǎn英文解釋:
旅館、飯店、影劇院等表示滿員的用語。 葉聖陶 《潘先生在難中》一:“到了 四馬路... >>查看“客滿”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.repletion 2.afullhouse 3.full 4.NoVacancy 5.fullhouse例句:
- 我們的雇員專業性強、訓練有素,保證顧?em>吐狻?Customers will be impressed by the expertise of our highly trained employees.
- 我們今晚客滿了。We have a full house tonight.
- 旅館已經客滿,我們只好到附屬部去睡。The hotel was full so we had to sleep in the annexe.
- 我們喜歡的飯館已客滿,所以我們只得到別處去。Our favourite restaurant was full, so we had to go elsewhere.
- 在度假旺季,旅館經常客滿。Hotels are often full in season.