拼音:kè lún 英文解釋:
【經】 passenger vessel中文解釋:
運送旅客的輪船 >>
查看“客輪”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
passengersteamer(PS) 2.
liner 3.
passengervessel 例句:
- 據報導,這艘客輪與一艘油輪相撞。
The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker.
- 客輪的上層甲板,旅客可在上面散步。
a deck at the top of a passenger ship.
- 客輪的上層甲板,旅客可在上面散步。
a deck at the top of a passenger ship
- 鐵達尼號客輪因撞上一個大冰山而沉沒。
The Titanic met her fate by crashing into a huge iceberg
- 在濃霧中,客輪撞翻了一條漁船。
The liner run down a fishing-boat during the dense fog
- 他們乘一艘大客輪航行到美國。
They sailed to America in a large liner.