拼音:kē kè de英文解釋:
harsh; rigorous; slashing; trenchant【經】 hard
1.dure 2.draconian 3.stern 4.harsh漢語造句:
- 討厭的非常讓人憤怒的,使人非常不快的,苛刻的Intensely irritating, obnoxious, or harsh.
- 她訴說她一直受到苛刻的對待。She complained she has been hard done by.
- 他的父親是個苛刻的工頭;非常苛刻。his father was a hard-to-please taskmaster; was very hard to please.
- 愛人眼中沒有苛刻的誓言。No oath too binding for a lover
- 征服者強迫戰敗的敵人接受苛刻的和平條件。The conquerors imposed difficult conditions of peace on the defeated enemy.
- 以苛刻的或不仁慈的方式。in a harsh or unkind manner.
- 對別人的動機和目的挑剔苛刻的人。someone who is critical of the motives of others.