- 主隊以二比三敗於客隊。
The home team lost to the visitors2 to3.
- 客隊毫不費力地贏得了比賽。
The guest team won the game in a breeze.
- 客隊實力太強了--把我們打得一敗塗地。
The visiting team was too strong they walked all over us.
- 據報上說,客隊是一支歐洲勁旅。
According to the papers, the visiting side is a strong team in Eu rope
- 客隊的集體配合可真不賴。
The teamwork of the guest is really wonderful.
- 我隊在比賽的最後15分鐘裡壓制住了客隊。
Our team got the best of the visitors in the last quarter.
- 客隊一定會贏。
The visiting team is sure to win.
- 他們被選出來與客隊比賽溜冰。
They were picked to skate against the visiting team.