拼音:kǎo jiāo英文解釋:
sear; singe; swinge相關詞條:
1.sear 2.parboil 3.ustulate漢語造句:
- 地毯太靠近壁爐已烤焦了。The rug singed because it was too near the fire.
- 我在太陽底下躺了一天,都快烤焦了。I lay in the sun all day and was burned to a crisp.
- (由於不小心)讓餅烤焦了allow a cake to burn
- 炙熱的太陽把我們烤焦了。The scorching sun grilled us.
- 這塊麵包的外皮烤焦了。The crust of the bread is burnt.
- 燒焦物被烤焦、燒焦或燒成木炭的物質A substance that has been scorched, burned, or reduced to charcoal.
- 麵包差點烤焦了,幸好我及時關了煤氣。The toast was about to burn, but I turned off the gas in the nick of time.