bake; broil; carbonado; grill; parch; roast; spitchcock; toast; torrefy【機】 broil
烤 kǎo 把東西放在火的周圍使乾或使熟:烤炙。烤麵包。烤肉。烘烤。 挨近火取...>>查看“烤”在國語字典中的解釋
1.grill 2.roast 3.broil 4.parch 5.spitchcock 6.shir 7.torrefy 8.toast 9.torrify 10.roasting 11.torrefying 12.carbonado 13.barbecue例句:
- 我吃了兩片烤麵包當早餐。I had two slices of toast as breakfast.
- 他最喜歡吃的菜是烤鴨。His favorite dish is roast duck.
- 灼熱的陽光炙烤著光禿禿的大地。The fierce sun parched the bare earth.
- 這熱辣辣的太陽快把我烤焦了!I am broiling in this hot sun!
- 烤出好麵包的秘訣是什麼?What's the secret of baking perfect bread?
- 房子裡瀰漫著烤蘋果餡餅的香味。The smell of baked apple pies pervaded the house.
- 烤箱裡正在烤麵包。The bread is baking in the oven.