字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>堪的英文翻譯 “堪”的日文翻譯



can; endure; may


堪 kān 能,可以,足以:不堪構想。堪當重任。堪以告慰。 忍受,能支持:難堪...


  1. 多種疾病長期的折磨使祖 父虛弱不.
    The cumulative effects of many illnesses made grandpa a weak man.
  2. 你把一個再簡單不過的計算搞得繁瑣不
    You are making terribly heavy weather of a perfectly simple calculation.
  3. 會員的增加使得我們的俱樂部擁擠不
    The multiplication of numbers have make our club building too small.
  4. 城邊上的一個污穢不的酒吧
    A flyblown bar on the edge of town
  5. 西斯的納維亞語的任一種,尤指挪威語
    Any of the West Scandinavian languages, especially Norwegian.
  6. 這樓已破敗不
    The building is now a ruin
  7. 她的工作使她疲憊不
    Her job takes a lot out of her
  8. 這孩子的衣服破爛不
    The child's clothes were in poor state of repair.
