拼音:kāi zhàn 英文解釋:
battle; carry a torch; crusade; dig up the hatchet; draw the sword; make war中文解釋:
(1) ∶打起仗來聯軍對伊拉克開戰(2) ∶與…戰鬥向窮山惡水開戰... >>
查看“開戰”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
digupthehatchet 2.
drawthesword 3.
deliverbattle 4.
carryatorch 5.
makewarupon 6.
takeupthehatchet 漢語造句:
- 他是活著離開戰俘集中營的很少幾個人中的一個。
He was among the few who managed to live through the enemy prison camp.
- 開戰以來,這一工業的生產每況愈下。
Since the war the industry has gradually languished.
- 這兩個國家因為外交爭端即將開戰。
The two countries were on the point of war due to the diplomatic disputes.
- 開戰,麥克德夫。
Lay on, Macduff.
- 我們的命令是立即(與敵軍)開戰.
Our orders are to engage (the enemy) immediately.
- 向貧窮、文盲、疾病這邪惡的三位一體開戰
carry on war against the unholy trinity of poverty, illiteracy, and disease
- 歷史上,軍備競賽活動是重開戰端的前奏。
Armament competition in history is always prelude of war.