拼音:kāi tuò英文解釋:
developing; exploit; open up【法】 reclaim
(1) ∶開闢在荒原上開拓出大片農田(2) ∶採掘前修建巷道等工序的總稱開拓巷道... >>查看“開拓”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.pioneer 2.subdue 3.reciver 4.deploitation 5.exploit 6.prolongation 7.develop 8.openup 9.exploiting 10.clearance 11.openingup相關對話:
- 為了幫助他們開拓新的市場,你有何具體計畫?Do you have any particular plan to help them to open up new market?
- 他的小說開拓了想像力新天地。His stories opened up new worlds of the imagination.
- 開拓三十英畝土地Developing a30-acre tract.
- 她來自一個早期的開拓者家庭She was descended from a pioneer family.