拼音:kāi shǐ shí shī 英文解釋:
【法】 come into operation相關對話:
- 新稅法要到下個月才開始實施。
The new tax law will not take effect until next month.
- 新的安全帶規則上周開始實施。
The new seat-belt regulations came into effect last week.
- 開始實施勤儉節約
To begin to exercise thrift and frugality.
- 這個公社已開始實施一項重新整治河山的規劃。
The commune has embarked on a program of reshaping its hills and rivers
- 在你開始實施任何事之前先獲得一個基準。
Get a baseline before you do anything else
- 美國空軍最近已開始實施雙距離空空飛彈(DRM)計畫。
The USAF has begun to carry out the dual-range missile (DRM) project.
- 他們就放棄原有的計畫並且開始實施另一個新的。
They abandon the old plan and take up a new one