拼音:kāi chǎng bái 英文解釋:
opening remarks; prologue; prolusion中文解釋:
演出開場時引入本題的道白,比喻文章或講話等開始的部分 >>
查看“開場白”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
lead-in 2.
introductoryremark 3.
openingquestion 4.
prolog 5.
cueline 6.
introduction 相關對話:
- 她先講了幾句對客人表示歡迎的話作為開場白。
She prefaced her remarks with a few words of welcome to the guest.
- 開場白以後我們馬上討論實質問題,一個小時內便達成了協定。
After the introductions we immediately got down to business and reached an agreement within an hour.
- 由於緊張,他的開場白說得結結巴巴。
Because of his nervousness, the introduction was stumbled over.
- 他以“晚上好”開始了他的開場白。
He began his prologue by saying "good night".