拼音:kāi fù 英文解釋:
march to中文解釋:
開往;前往。 徐懷中 《西線軼事》二:“九四一部隊也奉命完成了一級戰備,隨時可以... >>
查看“開赴”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 我們新派遣一組護理人員開赴受災最重的地區。
We're sending a fresh draft of nurses to the worst hit area.
- 軍隊借著月光開赴前線。
The troops pushed on to the front by moonlight.
- 軍隊開赴前線。
The army marched to the frontline.
- 三個營的部隊奉命開赴前方,加強防線上的一個薄弱環節。
Three battalions were ordered up to strengthen a weak point in the line.
- 三個營的部隊奉命開赴前方,加強防線上的一個薄弱環節。
Three battalions were ordered up to strengthen a weak point in the line
- 開赴雲南前線的軍人在鐵路軍事專用站台用餐。
The soldiers who are going to Yunnan are having meal at military station.