拼音:kāi fā英文解釋:
develop; exploit; exploitation; open out; open up; tap【經】 development; exploit; exploitation; tapping
(1) ∶通過研究或努力,開拓、發現、利用新的資源或新的領域開發新能源開發山區開... >>查看“開發”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.empolder 2.openout 3.exploitation 4.development 5.exploiture 6.uncovering 7.developing 8.tap漢語造句:
- 這家企業投入大量資金以開發這種新產品。The firm pumped money into the development of the new product.
- 王子斥責土地開發商破壞了倫敦市建築物映在空中的輪廓線之美。The prince vituperated against the developers for ruining London's skyline.
- 她談的是計算機軟體的開發問題。Her talk ran on developments in computer software.
- 新礦正在開發。New mines are opening up.
- 開發超音速噴氣機是一項了不起的成就。Developing the supersonic jet was quite an accomplishment.
- 教育能開發人的潛能。Education develops potential abilities.
- 該城市已被定為開發區。The town has been designated a development area.