拼音:kāi chē英文解釋:
drive【化】 on-stream
(1) ∶駕駛車輛開車駛過河(2) ∶泛指開動機器 >>查看“開車”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 他的妻子警告他開車不要超速。His wife admonished him not to drive too fast.
- 要是你不開車送我,那我只好走著去了。If you won't drive me, I'll have to get there on shank's pony.
- 遊客們開車向西北而去。The tourists drove northwest.
- 他開車回家。He is driving homeward.
- 如果你拿著地圖指路,我就來開車。I'll drive the car if you hold the map and navigate.
- 在暴風雪中開車真嚇人。Driving during the blizzard was a nightmare.
- 你現在是逆行開車,你這個蠢材!You're driving on the wrong side of the road, you lunatic!
- 別喝了酒開車。Don't drink and drive.