拼音:kāi wèi 英文解釋:
stimulate the appetite
使人的食慾增加 >>
查看“開胃”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
getupone'sappetite 2.
tostimulatetheappetite 3.
towhettheappetite 4.
toenhancetheappetite 中英例句:
- 先喝點西紅柿汁開胃。
I'll have a tomato juice to start with.
- 開胃小吃,開胃飲料通常飯前食用來刺激食慾的食物或飲料
A food or drink served usually before a meal to stimulate the appetite
- 我建議您來碗湯或開胃菜和兩三樣小菜。
I would recommend a soup or an appetizer with two or three small dishes
- 這種藥有開胃作用。
This medicine will work up an appetite.
- 夾有開胃調料的酥皮餅。
puff paste shell filled with a savory meat mixture usually with a sauce
- 開胃小吃,開胃飲料通常飯前食用來刺激食慾的食物或飲料
A food or drink served usually before a meal to stimulate the appetite.