字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>楷的英文翻譯 “楷”的日文翻譯



model; pattern; regular script


楷 kǎi 法式,模範:楷模。楷范。楷則。楷式。 漢字的一種書體:楷書。正楷。...


  1. 他把他的父親作為自己的模。
    He modeled himself on his father.
  2. 祖父總是拿他的小兒子作為努力工作的模。
    Grandfather always held up his youngest son as a model of hard work.
  3. 愛德華·薩義德是一位多重背景交織的批判學者 ,也是後現代條件下的歐美左派模。
    Edward Said is a cultural critic with a complicated social background
  4. 他認為利蒂霞·戴爾是一個聰明的盡善盡美的模。
    He considered Laetitia Dale a paragon of cleverness.
  5. 他把他的父親作為自己的模。
    He modeled himself on his father.
  6. 請閣下附上名片或用正於下欄填寫最新資料。
    Please attach your business card or fill in below in BLOCK LETTER.
  7. 請以?色或黑色原子筆及正填寫此表格。
    Please use blue or black ball pen and complete the form in block letters.
