拼音:jù zēng英文解釋:
驟增;猛然或突然增長 >>查看“劇增”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 產量劇增a sharp increase in output
- 人口劇增a population explosion
- 用陳舊的笑話給戲劇增添趣味to farce a play with old iokes
- 他擴大了的名聲;數量劇增的藏書。his augmented renown; a greatly augmented collection of books.
- 花後21天n型澱粉粒剝離速度加快,數目劇增。The number of type II starch granules increased rapidly on the 21st DAA.
- 急性病人的數量急劇增長。the number of emergency patients has grown rapidly.
- 開支劇增,達到空前的水平。Expenditure raced up to an unprecedented level.
- 孟加拉國人口急劇增長的災難性後果Consequences of Population Growth in Bangladesh