- 全部戲裝屬於劇院或劇團的戲裝
The costumes belonging to a theater or theatrical troupe.
- 我們中的一些人跟隨劇團巡迴演出。
Some of our people are traveling with the troupe on its tour.
- 年內,劇團舉辦這些表演及工作坊共14次,觀眾總數達9280人次。
It gave 14 performances and workshops to 9280 people in 1997.
- 倫敦芭蕾舞劇團即將訪華。你喜歡芭蕾嗎?
The London Ballet Company is visiting China. Are you keen on ballet?
- 克里斯蒂娜:正確.我們將要增加一些真實的魅力在陽光劇團的歌手身上.
Christina: Exactly. We ‘ll add some real glamour to the Sunshine Singers.
- 因旋轉的音樂或喜劇團的表演而停留。
a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance
- 對這位老劇團演員來說仍然是娛樂性行業最好。
For this old trouper there is still no business like show business
- 她計畫在夏季劇團中扮演馬克白夫人
She plans to act Lady Macbeth in summer stock.